January 18, 2010

on MLK day...

...and it not being a holiday in my office.

Normal silver linings to having to work on holidays like today:
  • no traffic
  • no school buses
  • quiet
  • few people in the office
  • most important people aren't in (because they have kids who don't have school)
  • less work to do (because most clients & partners aren't in [because their offices are closed])
  • less people bothering you (same reasons)
Things that can ruin above silver linings:
  • snow
  • a lot of snow
  • snow covering your car
  • having to shovel
  • DPW not plowing the streets because no one should be working or going school, right?
  • running late
  • your roommates (who have the day off) getting in your way and not helping you out
  • your car getting stuck in the Starbuck's lot

whoops, I forgot to post this yesterday

January 7, 2010

On Beatles covers.

As a huge Beatles fan and music elitist, I don't usually like Beatles covers.

But here are two that get my stamp of approval for all auditory audiences & appreciating ears....

Enjoy. That's a soft j, like the j in job (pronounced yob).
...in case you were wondering.

January 5, 2010


New year. Epic pronunciation year. Hopefully changing the way we say the year....

Two-thousand ten.
Twenty 10.

I prefer the latter.

Do yourself a favor and play "Millenium" by Robbie Williams in the background while you read this to set the mood, or at least start humming it in your head.

I was born in 1986. That's "nineteen eighty six".
However, I graduated in two thousand four.
Weird. I wish twenty oh-four sounded better. How come nineteen oh-four sounds fine?

Eff the new year. F new beginnings and "starting over" and resolutions. Too cheesey. It's like Valentine's day on crack. You don't need the numerical value of a recorded year/date to change in order make a change about yourself or your situation (not to be confused with Jersey Shore's "the Situation"). No excuses, play like a champion.

I'm a little let down with where "we" are in 2010. I was told there'd be robot maids and hovercrafts (or at least hoverboards like in BTTF). Where's my personal rocket/house that floats amongst the asteroids?

I hate when people say "Happy New Years!" It's just one year. It's actually just a few more days than before. "Have fun on New Year's Eve" makes sense. "Have a great New Years," does not.