September 14, 2009

Life Plan

ME: Wanna fake our own deaths and move to somewhere tropical and become hippies with me? I'm beyond over it all.
EL: Yes I'm totally down
How will we die?
ME: Juicy affair with married politician or CEO gone sour?
Thelma and Louise style drive off bridge.  We'll plant spiders in the car so CSI will blame that and not think it's suicide [or a faked death.]
EL: That's perfect.  Everyone knows I'm deathly afraid they'll never suspect.
ME: Exactly! We can use my car, it already had a spider in it once, so it's tainted with spider DNA and seamen for the CSIs to find under blacklight to determine [cause of death.]
EL: I will start looking for identities to steal so we can purchase plane tickets for when we move to Cabo.
ME: Ok, I'll research good car diving bridges near sharks or gators and start working on removing molars or evidence to ID us as the victims of this spidercrime. 
EL: Perfect plan. Phase 1 starts now. 

September 11, 2009

more doods

self portrait dream studio

I keep having weird, vivid, chillingly realistic dreams. I decided to put a notepad next to my bed so that I could write them down and remember more of them.  Instead of writing down my dreams, I drew two pictures in the middle of the night - mid sleep, I guess.

One was actually a sketch of something in my dream. I dreamt I had this art studio - the drawing actually helped me remember this dream that I might have forgotten.  My art studio was huge, infinite ceiling, enormous amounts of storage space, tons of work space and every art supply anyone could think of.  Here's my mid-sleep/dream sketch of a piece of the ginormic studio:

I also drew a self portrait, I suspect.