October 11, 2010

Should I post this to Monster.com?


Seeking a position in which I am underpaid and overqualified, preferably in the death field. Growing up, who didn't want to be a mortician? Also, marrying rich and becoming a trophy wife (not to be confused with “housewife,” “homemaker” or “mother”) would be awesome too!


Doctorate (that means PhD) of Judgment from Judgment University '08

Majors: the Wave, Pangaea (you know, that whole “supercontinent” theory thing)

Minors: Slow clapping, Being bitter, Sarcasm, Lazy rivers


Company: the Universe BC - Present

Title: God

  • Creating people
  • Being God, obviously
  • This is pretty self explanatory, I don't know why I have to explain this to you

Company: Mattel 1965 - 1999

Title :Barbie Doll

  • Doctor
  • Lawyer
  • Veterinarian
  • Babysitter
  • Sister
  • Princess
  • Malibu Bikini
  • Bride
  • Roller Skating Waitress
  • Mom
  • Best Friend
  • Shining Role Model

Company: My Head 1988 - Present

Title: Freelance Fashion Consultant

  • Silently talked to myself about the horrific outfits people chose to wear
  • Thought about ways in which their outfits might be made less ugly
  • Never once felt remorse or regret for said judging
  • Contemplated giving some lessons on colors that should not be worn together (I.e. red & green; black, grey, brown & navy blue)
  • Worked with many high profile clients and celebrities (such as Courtney Love, Donald Trump, the entire cast of Deadliest Catch)
  • Did some pro bono work too


  • Really amazing at practically everything you could possibly imagine
  • Special certification in being really good at being modest
  • Awesome at observing and noting ticks, phrases and gestures that individuals over-use
  • Super passive aggressive and therefore really good at leaving anonymous notes
  • Recently learned how to shave the back half of my legs
  • Un-jamming staplers with little-to-no blood or injuries most of the time
  • Working knowledge of over-reacting and over-analyzing


  • Felines
  • Chamber Music
  • Diamonds
  • Bruises
  • Buying expensive things
  • Mullets, mustaches, beards and side burns (but not fu manchus)
  • Prime numbers

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