May 8, 2009

Corporate America words/phrases Bryant University's Business Cirriculum did not teach me:

  • ping
  • high level
  • back end
  • FYI
  • leverage
  • pipeline
  • action item
  • hot item
  • stream line
  • moving forward
  • from a business perspective
  • off the clock
  • internally
  • hard stop
  • spearhead
  • EOD
  • drill down/drilling down
  • action plan
  • best practices
  • offline ("let's talk about this offline")
  • "Hi, who joined?" (conf. call)
  • skill set
  • going forward
  • high level
  • touch base
  • reach out to you
  • Push-back
  • net-net
  • operationally
  • piggy back (i thought we left that one in 3rd grade)
  • time frame
  • framework
  • in the mean time
  • re-evaluate
  • finalize
  • bear (as in "this one is a bear" bear bear bear not as in "bear market")
  • "earmark" meaning to "hold off" (which is another good one) as in "lets earmark that one for tomorrow"
  • run the gamut
  • workaround
  • deploy, deployment
  • QC
  • QA
  • "run this by [Dorothy]"
  • escalate
  • okay, okay
  • alright
  • work-around
  • disconnect
  • deflated
  • workflow
  • validation
  • process
  • functionality
  • dove tail
  • ingestion
  • heads up (as in "Just to give you a heads up...")
  • circle back
  • iron out
  • dry run
  • solidify
  • bandwidth
  • CYA (Cover Your A*)

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