May 8, 2009

SAT Words in the Office - Used inappropriately

  • impetuous
  • discrepancy*
  • verbose
  • poignant
  • flagrant
  • novice
  • abate
  • perpetual
  • diligent
  • banal**
  • propensity
  • habitual
  • vehement(ly)
  • ephemeral
  • nefarious
  • behemoth
  • aberration
  • vacillating
  • ostensibly
  • circuitous
  • legerdemain***
  • nebulous
  • illusive ellusive
  • vapid
  • delineate

*I’ll admit that I have probably used this word at work at least once because of what we deal with, but she uses it to talk about social networking sites and celebrity gossip too.
**probably my least favorite SAT word EVER.
***had to look that one up and still don't know what it means

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