May 20, 2009

Why Fast Food Friday isn't as good of an idea as it sounds...

  • We won't even be able to eat dinner, that's how much food we ate, and how full we are.
  • We're all going to get fat.
  • We eat too much, and then get sleepy.
  • There are no pillows and blankets or sleeping bags in the office. Jeans friday does not = sweatpants friday, and elastic wastebands are necessary for that amount of consumption.
  • The closest KFC is in a sketchy neighborhood, and getting lost/mugged is inevitable.
  • We still have to do work afterwards.
  • We all swear off fast food for at least 2 years after we finish, but it still seems like a good idea by the time the next Friday rolls around.
  • It's hard to get rid of the giggles (and they hurt) when your belly is full of crispy chicken, mashies, cole slaw, mac & cheese and fountain sodes.
  • Office bathroom is not your home bathroom.

my list from 10/17/2008

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